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The degradation and transfer of phenolic compounds during the treatment processes of coking wastewater

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (刘显清); (李国保);

机构地区: 广东省韶关钢铁集团有限公司焦化厂韶关512123

出  处: 《环境化学》 2012年第10期1487-1493,共7页

摘  要: 研究了4种烷基酚、7种氯酚和2种硝基酚物质在广东韶关钢铁集团焦化废水处理站的浓度演变与转移.针对设计处理量为2000 m.3d-1,生物处理采用A/O1/O2工艺,已经稳定运行5年的实际废水处理工程,同一时间分别采集水样、气样与综合排泥样若干批次,采用GC/MS方法分析酚类物质的浓度.研究结果表明,焦化废水中酚类物质在原水与各个处理工段中均存在成分与浓度的特征分布,烷基酚类物质浓度高但容易通过生物降解去除,氯酚和硝基酚的去除率略低,经生物处理的出水酚类物质浓度均低于5μg.L-1,达到了有关排放标准的要求;所有酚类物质在废水处理过程中存在气相转移的现象,转移污染物浓度分布差异显著,取决于废水本底浓度与该物质的化学性质;污泥样品能够高倍数富集氯酚类物质,在处理与处置工艺的选择方面需要防止扩散.酚类化合物在焦化废水处理过程中的浓度削减主要是生物阶段,气相转移与固相转移可能构成环境风险,未来的水处理工程需要考虑二次污染的消除问题. Phenolic compounds(PCs) are the major pollutants in coking wastewater and it is meaningful to understand in treatment process.In order to evaluate the efficiency of coking wastewater treatment plant and the environmental risk,the variations of alkylphenols,chlorophenols and nitrophenols were studied.Samples of five kinds wastewater,four kinds gases and one kinds dewatered sludge were collected from the plant,which had been in stable operation for five years.The A/O1/O2 sytem was applied in the biological stage with the processing capacity of 2000 m3 · d-1.The analysis were extracted by solid phase extraction(aqueous samples) or Soxhlet extraction(gas and sludge samples).Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC/MS).These results indicated that the compositions and concentrations of PCs in coking wastewater and treated effluents have specific characters.Alkylphenols were the dominated compounds in wastewater,but they can be biodegraded easily.Chlorophenols and nitrophenols′ concentrations were in the μg · L-1 level and their removal rates were low.The concentrations of PCs in the final effluent were lower than 5 μg · L-1,below the discharge standard level.The selected PCs were also determined in the gas samples.Due to the influence by the concentrations of PCs in wastewater and their physical-chemical properties,the detected concentrations in gas were greatly difference.The distribution of PCs in gas samples from Songshan coking plant of Shaoguan showed an explicit health-risk.Chlorophenols were enriched in the sludge samples,which indicated that dewatered sludge from Songshan coking plant of Shaoguan should be treated carefully.PCs were mainly removed in the biological stage,but some of these compounds could transfer into the air and sludge.Therefore,the control of secondary pollution should be considered in the future.

关 键 词: 环境工程 焦化废水 酚类物质 二次污染 生物处理 浓度削减

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 刘晶晶
作者 王伟仁
作者 李红燕
作者 杨建设


机构 中山火炬职业技术学院
机构 仲恺农业工程学院环境科学与工程学院
机构 北京理工大学珠海学院
机构 嘉应学院
机构 广东工业大学


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴贤静
作者 吴大磊