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Varieties Comparative Test of Green-peel Muskmelon in Green House

作  者: ; ; ; (符传焕); (梁振深);

机构地区: 海南省农业科学院

出  处: 《园艺与种苗》 2012年第9期6-8,共3页

摘  要: [目的]筛选适宜海南南部地区大棚栽培的绿皮网纹类型厚皮甜瓜品种。[方法]在前期试种的基础上,选取5个品种进行品种比较试验。[结果]参试的5个品种中以西州蜜25的品质最优,产量以F-6405产量最高,网纹则以情网最佳,经济效益以西州蜜25最高。[结论]综合各品种性状及田间表现,结合市场对优质高产品种的需求,与对照长相玉比较,西州蜜25和F-6405这2个新品种均具有较高的推广价值。 [Objective] The aim was to screen suitable green -peel muskmelon varieties in southern of Hainan.[Method] Five varieties were selected for comparative test based on their tentative planting. [Result] Among the tested five species, the quality of Xizhoumi25 was the highest, with highest yield of F -6405 and best texture of Qingwang. [Conclusion] Using Changxiangyu as contrast, combining the five varieties various characters, field proformances and market demand for high yield and high quality, the two new species, Xizhoumi25 and F -6405, had great value to promote in Hainan.

关 键 词: 厚皮甜瓜 品种 比较

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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