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The breeding of a new rice vatiety Yuan-feng-zhan with high yield,diseases resistance and high grain quality

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省农业科学院

出  处: 《广东农业科学》 2012年第18期16-17,共2页

摘  要: 源丰占是广东省农科院水稻研究所用丰丝占为母本与中间材料"香丝苗126/象牙软占"杂交,经多代选育而成的感温型优质籼稻新品种。两年省区试平均每667 m2产量分别为424.85 kg和434.32 kg,比对照种优优122增产4.7%和6.03%,增产分别为不显著和显著,米质为国标优质3级、省标优质2级,高抗稻瘟病和中抗白叶枯病。2010年5月通过广东省农作物品种审定。 Yuan-feng-zhan was a new photoperiod-insensitive Indica rice variety breeding by crossing the Feng-si-zhan with a strain (xiang-si-miao126/xiang-ya-ruan-zhan) and after seven generations selecting in Rice Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In two years different site field test of Guangdong province,the result showed that Yuan-feng-zhan's average yield was 424.85 kg and 434.32 kg per 667m2 respectively, it was increased by 4.7% and 6.03% over check variety You-you-122, it was not significant and significant. Its grain quality reached third and second scales of high quality paddy in national and province standard, and it had the high-resistance to the blast and mid-resistance to the bacterial leaf blight disease. It was permitted to release by crop examine and approve committee of Guangdong province in May 2010.

关 键 词: 优质籼稻 源丰占 选育

领  域: [农业科学]




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