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Non-recurring Gains and Losses, Accounting Standards Change and Earnings Management in ST Companies

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 暨南大学管理学院会计学系

出  处: 《南开管理评论》 2012年第4期151-160,共10页

摘  要: 会计准则作为盈余管理借用的工具,上市公司是否会借会计准则变更之际进行盈余管理?2007年我国实施新的企业会计准则,为研究这个论题提供机会。本文以异常非经常性损益比重作为盈余管理的代理变量,研究结果表明:我国上市公司在会计准则变更之际有较强的盈余管理的动机,在会计准则变更之际进行盈余管理的上市公司中,ST公司具有更强的盈余管理动机;进一步研究发现,上市公司在会计准则变更之前的盈利状况和上市公司风险警示显著地影响会计准则变更年度的盈余管理方向和大小,连续亏损的上市公司和为降低风险警示的上市公司,通过非经常性损益进行盈余管理的动机显著;另外,研究发现,证券监管部门通过风险警示的方法对上市公司利用会计准则变更之际进行盈余管理的行为实施了有效监管。 The paper has first analyzed the literature on earnings man- agement, accounting standards change and non-recurring gains and losses. With the implementation of the new CAS (China Accounting Standards) in 2007, this paper offers empirical evidence on whether the listed companies would take advantage of the chance of accounting standards change to conduct earnings management on the perspective of non-recurring gains and losses. Empirical evidences in this paper show that the percentage of abnormal non-recurring gains and losses in listed companies has been increasing since 2005. It indicates that Chinese listed companies had a strong motivation to manage earnings in 2006 before the new CAS was planning to be carried out, and had reached the top in 2007; whereas the level of earning management on the per- spective of the non-recurring gains and losses had come back to that of 2006 in the year of 2008, which shows Chinese listed companies has the strong motivation to manage earnings on the time of the CAS change. But, the evidence has shown that the earnings management level has witnessed a rebound in 2009, which had significantly higher than that of 2008 and as high as that of 2007. Further empirical study has found that the rise of earnings management in 2009 was due to the implementation of new regulations of non-recurring gains and losses and increase of non-recurring items in 2008. Among the listed companies that intend to actively practice earnings management, ST (Special Treatment) compa- nies have much stronger motivation to do so. This paper also suggests that both the profits and the risk warning before the CAS change should have a great impact on the direction and the scale of earnings manage- ment in the year of CAS change. Listed companies that suffer successive losses and tend to reduce the degree of risk warnings would have rather strong motivation to earnings management with the non-recurring gains and losses. This paper also shows that the supervision department through the method of risk wa

关 键 词: 非经常性损益 会计准则变更 盈余管理

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 蒋大富
作者 张月圆
作者 麦剑青
作者 周宇霞
作者 刘冲


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 暨南大学管理学院会计学系


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟