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An Initial Study on Effect of Browning and Its Controlling Methods of Fresh-cut Yam

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东石油化工学院

出  处: 《食品工业》 2012年第10期126-129,共4页

摘  要: 分析了影响鲜切淮山品质劣变的若干因素,并重点分析了抑制鲜切淮山酶促褐变的低温贮藏、保鲜剂处理、热激处理及气调贮藏等控制品质劣变的方法,旨在为后续研究鲜切淮山提供参考。 Studied low-temperature storage, enzymatic browning and the controlling techniques of fresh-cut yams and discussed the browning mechanism. Moreover, some effective controlling methods, such as low-temperature processing, storage and transport preservative agent, controlled atmosphere and edible coatings were introduced. The major role of this study is to provide some conferences for the subsequent study on the fresh-cut yam.

关 键 词: 淮山鲜切品 褐变 保鲜技术

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程]




作者 徐焰
作者 邹开敏
作者 李景睿
作者 李尚蒲
作者 莫岳云