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CDIO in China

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 汕头大学

出  处: 《高等工程教育研究》 2012年第5期34-45,共12页

摘  要: CDIO工程教育模式是近年来国际工程教育改革的新成果,在世界各地多所大学进行了实施并取得很好的成效。自2005年汕头大学率先实施CDIO工程教育改革以来,在教育部高教司理工处的指导和支持下,全国几十所试点高校和许多非试点院校实施CDIO改革,取得了很好的效果。汕头大学等试点高校重新思考工程教育改革的模式与路径,对人才培养的各个方面与相应的管理机制进行了重新构建,在明确专业培养目标、制定专业培养标准、构建一体化课程计划、实施探究式教与学方法、建立保障与持续改进体系等方面进行了实践和创新。CDIO在中国的普及和实践,也为高质量实施"卓越工程师教育培养计划"打下了良好的基础,起到了积极的推进作用。本文对6年来CDIO在汕头大学及其它试点高校的实践和推广情况进行了回顾和总结,对中国工程教育面临的挑战和存在的问题给出了观察与思考,并对CDIO在中国作出展望。 CDIO Initiative was the most recent development of an international collaborative endeavor for engineering education.It has brought significant changes to and impacts on engineering education of many universities worldwide through adoption of the CDIO initiative.Since 2005,Shantou University has been undertaking the CDIO based engineering education reform and has achieved significant results.The Department of Science and Engineering,the Bureau of Higher Education,the Ministry of Education has been providing strong leadership and significant support to the implementation of the CDIO Initiative in China.Over 40 universities in the China CDIO Pilot Group and Special Program of Ministry of Education,and many more other universities and colleges have been making good progresses.Through adoption of the CDIO initiative,Shantou University and many institutions have been undertaking comprehensive review of all aspects of engineering education including definition of program objectives,detailed syllabus codifying the standards of the program objectives,development of the integrated curriculum,the implementation of active learning methods such as inquiry-based and project-based learning and establishment of quality assurance and continuous improvement system of programs.The CDIO syllabus and standards match well with the program standards,the requirements and the tasks of the national "Excellent Engineer Education and Training Plan".The adoption of the CDIO initiative in engineering education in China has built a strong foundation for implementation of the Excellent Engineer Plan.This paper summarizes the adoption process and experiences of the CDIO initiative in engineering education at post-secondary institutions in China.The challenges and the issues facing the Chinese engineering education have also been discussed.

关 键 词: 工程教育改革 专业培养标准 一体化课程 卓越工程师教育培养计划

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 尹毅
作者 刘嘉伟
作者 卢均治
作者 杨翠萍
作者 吴福培


机构 广东石油化工学院
机构 顺德职业技术学院
机构 华南理工大学软件学院
机构 汕头大学工学院
机构 五邑大学信息工程学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟