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Interaction Effects of Winter Irrigation and Chemical Regulation on Lodging-resistance and Yield of Drip Irrigated Spring Wheat

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 石河子大学农学院新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室

出  处: 《麦类作物学报》 2012年第5期932-936,共5页

摘  要: 为给滴灌春小麦高产抗倒伏栽培提供参考依据,以新疆地区主栽品种新春6号和新春19号为材料,研究了冬前灌溉与化学调控互作对滴灌春小麦抗倒伏能力和产量的影响。结果表明,冬前灌溉可促进滴灌春小麦植株干物质积累,增加产量,但降低抗倒伏能力。矮壮素浸种+分蘖期叶面喷施矮壮素能协调滴灌小麦地上和地下部分的生长,增强茎和根抗倒伏能力,且在两个品种上应用效果无差异;在此基础上配合冬灌能实现滴灌小麦抗倒和增产。 To explore the proper regulation method of lodging resistance of drip irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Northern Xinjiang, a study of winter irrigation and chemical regulation during growth stage was conducted with cultivars of Xinchun 6 and Xinchun 19 at the Shihezi University experimental station in the year of 2010-2011. Results showed that wheat yield can be increased while its stem lodging resistance decreased when receive winter irrigation. Through the common evaluation results of stem and root lodging resistance indicate that treatment under chlormequat(CCC) soaking + spraying CCC on tillering stage can coordinate develop the part on ground underground of drip irrigated wheat, which can increase irrigation spring wheat stem and root lodging resistance; The interaction of CCC soaking + spraying CCC on tillering stage and winter irrigation significantly increased drip irrigation spring wheat lodging resistance and yield, At the same time interaction effect did not significant difference along with the variety change. Therefore, it needs to chose resonable chemical regulation method to optimize the ground and underground part of wheat to increase wheat lodging resistance ability and realize high yield for drip irrigated wheat in Xinjiang.

关 键 词: 滴灌春小麦 化学调控 冬灌 倒伏 产量

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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