机构地区: 上海师范大学人文与传播学院语言研究所
出 处: 《民族语文》 2012年第5期3-7,共5页
摘 要: 国际音标在电脑写作与建立数据库的时候,会遇到初创时所未料及的问题,需要加以规范。本文对这些规划提出初步的建议,供语言学界参考。 When the IPA symbols are used in computer-based word processing and computer-based database construction, certain issues will arise, which are unexpected when the IPA was first initiated. In view of such issues, standardization is necessary and this paper puts forward preliminary suggestions on standardization for the reference of the linguistic community.
关 键 词: 计算机数据处理 电脑写作 国际音标 数据库 语言学
领 域: [语言文字]