机构地区: 中国科学院工程热物理研究所
出 处: 《发电与空调》 2012年第4期1-4,共4页
摘 要: 分布式供能技术是我国中长期科技发展规划中能源领域的前沿技术,是实现高效、环保、可靠、智能、多元化供能的先进技术。通过对分布式供能作为我国能源战略需求的必要性和重要意义的阐述,概述了分布式供能的关键技术及其在我国的研究进展,指出微小型动力、动力余热高效利用、多能源互补等系统集成技术是当前重要的研究方向。 Distributed energy system (DES) is a cutting-edge technology in energy field of the National Medi- um-to-Long-Term Scientific and Technological Development Program. DES is efficiency, environmental friendly, safe and reliable technology. The necessity and importance of DES technology as national energy strategy demand is introduced in this paper, and the key technology and research development of DES is outlined as well. Finally this paper points out that the gas turbine, efficient utilization of waste heat, multi-energy resources complementary is significant Research direction at present.
领 域: [动力工程及工程热物理]