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Pilot research on the Beijing subway island platform noise level

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 首都经济贸易大学安全与环境工程学院

出  处: 《中国安全生产科学技术》 2012年第8期153-156,共4页

摘  要: 为研究北京岛式站台噪声水平及噪声特点,选取了北京地铁2号线和5号线的10个岛式站台进行了实地的测量,从噪声级以及频谱角度对测量结果进行了分析。结果显示,测量时间内的LAeq,max都高于标准限值80dB(A)。使用独立样本t检验的结果得出,2号线与5号线在LAeq以及LAeq,max上不存在显著差异(P>0.05),说明2号线和5号线噪声在相近的水平上。通过噪声频谱的时程曲线也直观的得出列车在进出站过程中噪声级大于80dB(A),无列车通过且不受相反轨道列车影响时的背景噪声在65dB(A)左右,受影响时在70dB(A)左右。倍频程频谱分析得出,地铁站台噪声具有明显的中频特征。进一步分析,2号线和5号线站台都存在若干的主频,其基频和谐频分别为63、250和1kHz。 In order to study the noise level and noise characteristics of Beijing Island subway Platform. 10 island platforms were selected and Measured from Line2 and Line5 of Beijing Metro, then noise level and character of spectrum were analyzed. The result show that, the LAeq,max within the measurement time was higher than the standard limit 80dB (A). And the t-test demonstrated that there was no significant differences between Line2 and Line5 ( P 〉 0.05 ). Indicating that the noise of Line2 and Line5 were on a similar level. The time curves of the noise spectrum show that the noise level was also greater than 80dB (A)when the trains come and out of the station. The back- ground noise was around 65dBA, that were no train passed and not affected by the opposite rail train. And at 70 dB (A) when affected. The results of octave spectrum show that the characteristics of subway platform noise were medi- um frequency noise. Further analyzed. Main frequency were exist between the platform of Line2 and Line5, and its fundamental frequency and harmonic frequencies were 63,250 and 1 kHz.

关 键 词: 北京地铁 地铁站台 噪声 频谱

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 贺红波
作者 杨竹清
作者 张秀三
作者 崔萍
作者 邓国荣


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学岭南学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴贤静
作者 吴大磊