机构地区: 贵阳学院
出 处: 《贵州农业科学》 2012年第9期173-175,共3页
摘 要: 为探明蝌蚪对饮用水浑浊度的除浊效果,为进一步探索利用蝌蚪改善饮用水质量的可能性提供依据,采用中华蟾蜍指名亚种蝌蚪对不同浊度的百花湖水进行除浊试验。结果表明:试验第2天初始浊度值由4.1NTU降低到3NTU以下;试验第6天初始浊度值由6.3NTU降低到3NTU以下。密度为0.625个/L的蝌蚪对不同浊度的除浊效果均达显著水平(P<0.05);由于种内干扰效应,在一定浊度范围内平均每只蝌蚪降低浊度的能力随自身密度的增加而下降。 In order to study chaotic degree of drinking water reduced by tadpoles and provide basis for improving the quality of drinking water, we concentrated water of Baihuahu Lake and diluted to different chaotic degree. Tadpoles of Bufo gargarizans gargarirzans were put into with different density. The result showed the tadpole possessed good ability to reduce chaotic degree. Chaotic degree reduced from 4.1 NTU to 3 NTU in two days and from 6. 3 NTU to 3 NTU in six days. Tadpoles with the number of 0. 625 /L possessed significant effect on reducing chaotic degree of the water (P〈0.05). It was pointed out relationships between amount of reducing chaotic degree by every tadpole and tadpole density that the ability of reducing chaotic degree by every tadpole, in a certain range of chaotic degree, declined with the increasing of tadpole density due to interfering effect among tadpoles.