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DNA barcoding and species and subspecies classification within genus Carassius

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所

出  处: 《Zoological Research》 2012年第5期463-472,共10页

摘  要: 鲫属(Carassius)鱼类由于表型变异大,分布范围广,分类一直不完善。该属常被分为三个种:黑鲫(C.carassius)、白鲫(C.cuvieri)和鲫(C.auratus)。鲫又可分为多个亚种(包括金鱼),其中银鲫(C.auratus gibelio)亚种有时被视作一个独立的种。该文研究了线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因5'端651bp的片段在这些种和亚种(共计128尾标本)中的变异。结果表明,C.carassius、C.cuvieri和C.auratus均为有效种,同时欧亚大陆的与日本列岛的C.auratus有明显分化;而C.auratusgibelio和C.auratusauratus有一些共享的单倍型,C.auratus gibelio应被视为C.auratus的一个亚种,而不是一个有效物种。由于C.auratus auratus和C.auratus gibelio等类群中同时存在二倍体和三倍体,因此,倍性不宜作为种或亚种的划分标准。 The classification of Carassius has not been well established due to its great variability and wide distribution. Usually, Carassius is identified as three species: C. carassius, C. cuvieri and C. auratus, the latter including several subspecies, such as goldfish. Out of these subspecies, C. auratus gibelio have recently been thought of as a valid species of Carassius. In this study we collected the 5'end 651 bp segments of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (C01) gene from 128 specimens, including C. carassius, C. cuvieri, C. auratus auratus, C. auratus gibelio and C. auratus langsdorfii. All three species of Carassius (C. carassius, C. cuvieri, C. auratus) were found to be valid, meanwhile genetic differentiation between the Eurasian C. auratus and Japanese C. auratus has reached a high level. However, several haplotypes were shared between C. auratus auratus and C. auratus gibelio. Consequently, C. auratus gibelio should be regarded as a subspecies of C. auratus rather than a valid species. Moreover, because both diploids and triploids exist in C. auratus auratus and C. auratus gibelio, ploidy level should not be used as criteria for the classification of species or subspecies in Carassius.

关 键 词: 鲫属 条码 基因 物种鉴定 银鲫

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]


作者 林道铭
作者 林梦笑
作者 牟凌云
作者 曲炳良
作者 周孜正


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学图书馆
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 中山大学生命科学学院生物系
机构 中山大学管理学院


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