作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学南海校区学院法政系
出 处: 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第7期45-51,162,共7页
摘 要: 随着社会主义市场经济体制的完善、我国加入WTO以及进一步转变政府职能的需要,地方政府行政审批制度改革势在必行。在此背景下,广东省佛山市推行了独具特色的"两横两纵"行政审批流程改革,取得了一定的经验,但也还存在服务中心的法律地位不明确、缺乏常设管理机构、监督体系不健全等不足。鉴于此,应采取成立专门的行政审批管理机构、明确行政服务中心的法律地位、建立有效的行政审批替代机制等地方政府行政审批制度改革的措施。 With the improvement of the socialist market economic system,the new situation of joining WTO and the need to further transform government functions,it is imperative to reform in local government's administrative examination and approval system.The author takes Two Vertical and Two Horizontal Reform of Administrative Approval in Foshan City as the starting point,to reflect on the experience and the deficiencies gained by the local government administrative approval system reform.For example,the establishment of specific reform leading group,but not permanent management body established by law;gradual improvement of the three administrative service system,but not legal position of the service center,etc.And then,the author puts up some development ideas of the reform for local government administrative examination and approval system.