机构地区: 揭阳职业技术学院
出 处: 《湖州职业技术学院学报》 2012年第3期83-86,共4页
摘 要: 语言的习得不是通过以形式为中心的机械训练达成的,而是在使用中成就的。《英语课程标准》明确提出:鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。因此,培养学生探究学习的能力,是实施新课程的重要目的之一。通过阐述探究式教学法的含义及其在英语新课程教学中应用的意义,并对启发探究式教学法、合作探究式教学法和问题探究式教学法在英语新课程教学上的应用进行探讨,以实现既符合基础教育学生特点,又能落实新的教学理念的教学模式。 Language acquisition is not reached by the mechanical form- oriented training, but achieved in using. It is clearly put forward in the National Standard for English Curriculum: encourage students to experience, practice, discuss, cooperate, inquire and so on to promote their integrated skills. Therefore, it's one of the important aims of the implementation of the new curriculum to cultivate students ability of in- quiry learning. This paper first elaborates the meaning of inquiry teaching method and the significance of its application to the National Standard for English Curriculum. Then the application of the three types of inquiry teaching method, namely, the heuristic, the cooperative and the problem - solved type are discussed, with the purpose of seeking some teaching models which are not only proper for the characteris- tics of students of fundamental education, but can carry out the new teaching idea.
领 域: [文化科学]