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From classic disaster sociology,social vulnerability to social construction——Comparative study on latest development of disaster sociology in western countries

作  者: ;

机构地区: 复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院

出  处: 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期29-35,共7页

摘  要: 从经典灾害社会学、社会脆弱性到社会建构主义,这是灾害社会学发展的最新趋势,也是其发展的主要学派和阶段性特点。基于对这三个学派基本内涵梳理和比较研究,文章认为经典灾害社会学学派适合灾害防备与应变研究,社会脆弱性学派适合灾害预测和评估人们如何适应或加强能力面对灾害风险威胁的研究,社会建构主义学派则适合公共风险和灾害形成过程中人的主观能动性研究。这三个学派关注的重点不同,都有自己特定的解释边界和限制条件,一旦越界解释力就会下降。因此,不能简单地判断孰优孰劣。 Classic sociology of disaster, social vulnerability and social constructionism are three main theories for the study of disaster sociology and scholars' focus has tumed from classic sociology and social vulnerability to social constructionism. However, most studies at home still focus on the classis sociology of disaster and pay less attention to the other two theories, resulting in their failure to act on international convention. Based on a review and comparative study of the three theories, the article maintains that classic disaster sociology applies to disaster prevention and post - impacted responses, while social vulnerability theory applies to disaster prediction and evaluation on victims' ability to adjust to and deal with disasters, social eonstructionism applies to the study on people's subjective initiative in the public risks and disasters. They focus on different aspects of disasters and each has its own definition and construction to explain certain aspects of disasters, so it is rash to say which theory, is the best or worst. In conclusion, contention among the three theories is conducive to disaster prevention, disaster resistance and disaster relief.

关 键 词: 灾害 灾害社会学 经典灾害社会学 社会脆弱性 社会建构主义

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学]


作者 刘世明
作者 余高辉
作者 赵冬云
作者 付桂芳
作者 韩金龙


机构 广州体育学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院社会科学系
机构 惠州学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 张书军
作者 张建梅
作者 张恩施
作者 彭劲松
作者 徐来