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Interspecific differences of seagrass morphology and growth patterns and their allometry

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 山东大学海洋学院

出  处: 《生态学杂志》 2012年第9期2412-2419,共8页

摘  要: 海草是海洋沉水高等植物,属典型的根茎克隆植物。根状茎直径和分株重分别是其个体大小的第一、二表征指标,个体大小是海草重要的种间识别特征。对海草6个形态构件指标和18个生长指标的综合分析表明:果实大小、单株叶面积、分株重具有显著的种特异性;分株发出的时间差、水平根状茎分枝率、叶年产量、分株寿命和垂直茎分枝率是海草种特异性最强的5个生长动态指标,海草生长动态的差异主要体现在克隆生长能力强弱和分株生活史长短上;大海草趋于游击型克隆构型,而小海草则趋于密集型,但小海草Cymodocea nodosa例外;大海草基株水平扩展能力较小海草差。海草个体大小与生长特征的相关生长关系表明:随个体的增大,海草在有机构件生长上表现出两相邻叶、相邻分株、相邻节发出的时间差延长,分株、叶、茎寿命延长的特点;在克隆生长水平上表现出根状茎节间长变短、延伸速率降低,分枝率和根状茎上年产分株数降低,分枝角度变小和间隔子增大的趋势;在克隆片段水平上表现为生理整合性增强;在种群层面则表现出生物量增大和种群密度降低的特点。因此,海草个体大小对其形态、生长特征、克隆构型、种群密度和生产力起到了决定作用。大小海草不同的形态、生长动态和克隆构型特征导致它们的生存策略及生态功能也不同,这一点可能对海草场修复基础理论研究具有一定的指示作用。 Seagrass is a kind of marine submersed higher plants, and belongs to typical rhizomatousclonal plants. Rhizome diameter and ramet weight are the first and the second useful descriptors of seagrass size, respectively, while body size is a key identification feature for seegrasses. In this paper, a comprehensive analysis was made on the 6 module indices and 18 growth indices of seagrass. The results indicated that fruit size, leaf size, and shoot weight were speciesspecific. Shoot plastochrone, branching rate of horizontal rhizome, leaf production per year, shoot longevity, and branching rate of vertical rhizome were the most speciesspecific dynamic properties, suggesting that the difference in seagrasses growth dynamics was mainly reflected in the clonal growth capacity and ramet life cycle length. Large seagrasses displayed a phalanx clonal architecture, while small seagrasses except Cymodocea nodosa displayed a guerrilla growth strategy. The horizontal spreading rate of large seagrasses genets was slower than that of small ones. There existed allometric relationships between segrasses size and their architectural properties and dynamic properties. With increasing seagrass size, the plastochrone interval and longevity of leaf, ramet, and node extended in modular growth level, and the horizontal internodal length and elongation rate of horizontal rhizome, ramet production rate, branching rate, and branching angle decreased while spacer increased in clonal growth level. The physiological integration among clonal fragments enhanced with the increasing size. For the seagrass populations, the biomass increased while the density decreased when the seagrass size increased. Therefore, seagrass size strongly affected the architecture module, growth type, clonal architecture, population density, and productivity of seagrasses. The differences in form, growth dynamics, and module component showed the differences of seagrasses in their life strategy and ecological functions, which could be th

关 键 词: 个体大小 生长型 克隆构型 生理整合 生态功能

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]


作者 涂世亮


机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南农业大学林学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发