作 者: ;
机构地区: 东莞理工学院体育系
出 处: 《东莞理工学院学报》 2012年第4期125-128,共4页
摘 要: 为提高高校学生体育舞蹈课的学习热情和课堂运动量,把东莞理工学院2010级体育舞蹈选项课的160名学生均分为实验组和对照组,进行为期16周32学时的课改比较实验,实验组学习精编Salsa时尚热舞,对照组学习传统国标舞恰恰。通过实验始末相关指标测试比较得知,实验组与对照组相比,课堂时间一半以上可以保持在120~140次/分的适宜心率练习区,且课后自发的人均练舞时间和练舞次数是对照组的31和27倍。实验组男生在实验始末,以及实验组与对照组男生在实验期末的体重、腰围、心率、1000m数值相比都有明显下降、肺活量有明显增加(P<0.05)。而女生的上述数据差异更为显著(P<0.01)。可见简化的体育舞蹈可以激发学生学舞热情,大幅提高课堂运动量和课后练习时间,在学习体育舞蹈的同时达到了增强体质的目的。 The experiment program selected 160 students of 2010 class in DGUT who had chose the optional course of sport Dance to conduct experiment and equally divided them into experimental g0roup and control group to rise up their studying enthusiasm and amount of exercises.The experiment will last 16 weeks and 32 class hours.The students in experimental group will learn the fashion dance Salsa and the control group will learn the traditional Cha-cha-cha.From the experiment it can be found that: compared with the control group,the heart rate of the students in experimental group can keep at the 120-140 BPM and the time and frequencies per person to practice dance voluntarily are 30 and 27 times respectively.Compared with those male students in control group,the experimental group is much lower in weight,waistline,heart rate and 1000m in the end of experiment and striking higher in lung capacity(P 0.05).Moreover,the divergences of female students are even more significant(P0.01).It is clear that the simplified version of sport dance can motivate the students' passion enthusiasm,raise the amount of exercise and the practice time after class,and achieve the goal of improving the body's condition while practice the sport dance.
领 域: [文化科学]