机构地区: 北京市建筑工程研究院
出 处: 《钢结构》 2012年第8期15-18,623,共4页
摘 要: 为了防止钢结构事故特别是同类钢结构事故的频繁发生,使案例推理更加方便有效,详细介绍了基于粗糙集的钢结构事故案例关键属性的提取。以钢结构厂房为例,先将其破坏对结构整体无影响的属性及次要特征属性进行删减,再运用粗糙集理论实现对关键属性特征的选取。 In order to prevent the frequent occurrence of accident cases for the steel structure and make the case based reasoning (CBR) more effectively, it is presented in detail the key attributes extraction of accident cases for steel structure based on rough sets. Taking the steel factory buildings for example, the minor property and the property which has no influence on the whole structure and will be deleted first by using the professional knowledge, then the key property will be extracted according to the theory of rough sets.
领 域: [建筑科学]