机构地区: 中国社会科学院语言研究所
出 处: 《语言科学》 2012年第4期337-358,共22页
摘 要: 有些学者主张明代的官话是以属于江淮方言的南京话为基础方言,主要是根据一些文史资料。文章认为这一观点难以经受历史比较的检验,也难以解释另一些文史资料。同时还对某些关键的文史资料作了重新解释。文章认为,南京官话在当时确有较高声望,但仅限于南方某些地域;且南京官话是中原书音在南方的地域变体,而不同于南京方言。"南京话为明代官话基础"的主张者为字面所迷惑,混淆了作为书音一支的南京官话与作为江淮方言一种的南京方言。当时具有全国声望的官话是河洛话。要解决官话基础问题,不能单凭文史资料作判断,而要靠语言本体研究,尤其是历史比较研究。 There is a widely held view that, according to an interpretation of certain historical re- cords, the standard speech in the Ming Dynasty was based on the Naniing dialect. This paper, based on the comparative studies and newly found historical records, rejects the above 'Nanjing standard' point of view. Some crucial historical records are reexamined and new interpretations are proposed. This paper claims that Nanjing dialect as a kind of Jianghuai dialects could not be the base dialect of the standard speech in Ming dynasty, and it was distinct from the mandarin at Nanjing. The standard dialect with countrywide reputation was Luoyang dialect at Zhongyuan.
关 键 词: 南京方言 江淮方言 明代官话 南京官话 中原书音 语言声望 历史比较
领 域: [语言文字]