机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院
出 处: 《湖北农业科学》 2012年第15期3171-3172,3229,共3页
摘 要: 选取具有代表性的15个玉米自交系为试验材料,通过在两种种植密度下的表现,利用玉米单株产量耐密系数分析了玉米自交系的耐密性,并对单株产量耐密系数与产量相关性状的相关性进行分析。结果表明,15个品种中,PH6WC的单株产量耐密系数最高,达27.35,明显高于其余自交系,耐密系数较高的自交系还有郑58、K12与掖478;产量相关性状与单株产量耐密系数相关性不显著。耐密系数可作为初步评价玉米自交系耐密性的参考依据。 Fifteen inbred lines of maize were planted at 2 densities. The tolerant coefficient of high density was calculated us- ing the yield of per plant as index. The results showed that the top 4 inbred lines with high density tolerant coefficient ranked as PH6WC〉 Zheng 58〉 K12〉 Ye478, which of PH6WC was 27.35. The correlation between yield-related trait and high density tolerant coefficient was not significant. The tolerant coefficient of high density could be used as a preliminary ref- erence to evaluate the tightness resistance of maize inbred lines.
领 域: [农业科学]