机构地区: 广东省生产力促进中心
出 处: 《广东农业科学》 2012年第15期205-208,共4页
摘 要: 缩小地区收入差距是中国经济发展的一个重要目标。中国省(市)间收入差异不仅由外在禀赋不同造成,更受省(市)内的创新、省(市)间的知识溢出和技术创新扩散速度的影响。因此,降低省(市)间技术竞争度,加大技术合作,引进大量先进技术,建立完善的技术创新体制,会使外在禀赋完全不同的地区最终走向趋同,地区间收人差异将不存在,并希望能给农业技术扩散提供借鉴。 Reducing regional income disparities is an important goal of economic development in China. The different income disparities of China's provinces is not only caused by the different external endowments, but also caused by innovation, the interprovincial knowledge spillovers and the diffusion rate of technological innovation. Make policy recommendations: reducing the competition and increasing technical cooperation between provinces, establishing a large number of advancing technology and improving the technical innovation system, will eventually make regions of different external endowment converge completely. Regional income disparities will not exist.
关 键 词: 知识溢出 技术创新扩散 地区收入 农业技术扩散
领 域: [经济管理]