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Challenging“science rationality”by articulating social rationality:how the mass media construct environmental risk discourse in China

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学传播与设计学院

出  处: 《新闻与传播研究》 2012年第3期22-33,110,共12页

摘  要: 本文有两个任务,首先,从德国社会学家贝克的风险社会理论出发,通过梳理其理论,建构了关于风险社会之传媒角色的规范性认识,其次,本文也力图通过一个案例为窗口来观察当代中国传媒在风险社会的现实角色。以2009年9月至12月大众传媒对番禺反垃圾焚烧事件及相关议题的报道为例,本文考察了我国大众传媒如何建构环境风险的话语。基本发现是,大众传媒一方面成功为来自社会的经验理性表达提供了空间,另一方面则成为能动的制度理性的阐述者,进而开放了风险定义的话语空间,消解了政府和资本的"安全声称"。大众传媒还促进和培育了社会理性的进一步演进,与公民环境创议运动相互构成,成为推动风险决策机制民主化的动力。传媒的制度理性成为这一话语机制的关键。本文最后也讨论了传媒在未来中国风险社会的可持续角色。 The world is entering an age of risk society,where the judgement,definition and explanation of the risk is mastered by the experts,the capital and the powerful,who turns to science rationality to define the risk.The alignment among these subjects accelerates the production of risk.At the other side,the society has also organized for expressing their critique of the science rationality discourse.At this background,we want to ask:what role should the mass media take in'risk scoeity'to prohibiting the acceleration of risk? And,empirically,what role does the media play in reality?Does the media stand at the side of the civil society and being the venue of expressing and cultuvating social rationality or,does the media becomes the followers of the power,the capital and the experts to define the risk?This article has two tasks:first,based upon the risk society theory articulated by German social theorist Beck,this article aims to proposing a normative framework for understanding media's role in risk society.Second,by exploring the news reporting of the 2009 Panyu Refuse Incineration Issue as a case,this article also provided observation on how the news media constructed the risk discourse in China's contemporary context.The finding is:the mass media provided spaces for expressing the'empirical rationality' from the society on the one hand,they also becomes active articulator of'institutional rationality',as other type of social rationality,on the other hand,which made them a success in chanllenging the'safety discourse'of the local government.The media also becomes a venue for cultivating social rationality and opens opprotunity for democratising the risk governance process.

关 键 词: 大众传媒 环境风险 话语空间 社会理性 科技理性 消解 风险社会理论 中国传媒

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 曹轲
作者 方芗
作者 陈丽园
作者 古小东
作者 肖思思


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟