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Variations in mass concentrations of indoor inhalable particulates in the coal-burning indoor air in Xuanwei County, Yunnan province

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国矿业大学北京地球科学与测绘工程学院

出  处: 《中国环境科学》 2012年第8期1379-1383,共5页

摘  要: 应用中流量采样器TSP-PM10-PM2.5对我国肺癌高发区宣威地区6个乡村19家农户进行采样,运用滤膜称重法来分析不同燃料类型室内及相应室外的大气颗粒物质量浓度特征.结果显示,各村庄室内、室外PM10质量浓度比值(I/O)变化范围为1.74~2.87,说明室内PM10污染主要由室内污染源引起;做饭时段室内PM10污染比其他时段严重,尽管烟囱可以将大量的污染物排出室外,但室内颗粒物的质量浓度依然较高.室内PM10质量浓度依燃料类型从高到低依次为块煤用户〉型煤用户〉燃柴用户〉用电用户,室内PM2.5质量浓度依燃料类型从高到低表现为块煤用户〉燃柴用户〉用电用户;块煤、型煤用户的室内PM10的质量浓度平均值(442.49μg/m3、399.14μg/m3)超过国家室内空气质量标准日均值150μg/m3,污染严重;燃柴和用电用户室内PM10的质量浓度平均值(145.50μg/m3、119.91μg/m3)低于国家室内空气质量标准日均值150μg/m3,污染较轻.块煤用户PM2.5质量浓度日均值(132.58μg/m3)超过2012年2月29日环境保护部发布的环境空气质量标准二级标准75μg/m3,而燃柴和用电户PM2.5的质量浓度(55.24μg/m3、65.02μg/m3)均低于环境空气质量标准二级标准75μg/m3,说明块煤用户室内细颗粒污染较重,用电和燃柴用户室内细颗粒物污染相对较轻. In rural Xuanwei County,Yunnan province,women had the highest rates of the lung cancer compared with other regions in China.In order to clarify the relationship between indoor particulate matter mass concentration and lung cancer,samples were colleted in January and March,2011.The membrane filter weighing method was used to analyze the mass concentration.The results show that the ratio of PM10 mass concentration indoor /outside(I/O) were in the range of 1.74~2.78,which indicated that indoor air pollution in Xuanwei County mainly originated from indoor pollution.The PM10 mass concentration was obviously higher during cooking than other periods and showed that cooking had a serious impact on indoor pollution.Moreover,the indoor PM10 concentrations were diverse in different fuel-using homes,with the coal-burning homes to be the highest,followed by homes used honeycomb briquette,firewood and electricity.The indoor PM2.5 mass concentrations in different fuel homes were: coal 〉 firewood 〉 electricity.The average indoor PM10 concentration in the homes burning coal and honeycomb briquette were higher than the national standard for the indoor air quality(150μg/m3),while the values in homes using firewood and electricity were lower than the national standard for the indoor air quality(150μg/m3).This indicated that pollution of the homes burning coal and honeycomb briquette was more serious than the homes using firewood and electricity.The average indoor PM2.5 concentrations of homes burning coal were higher than the national standard for ambient air quality(75μg/m3),while the homes using firewood and electricity were lower than the national standard for ambient air quality(75μg/m3).It indicates that fine particle pollution of the homes burning coal was heavy,but the homes using firewood and electricity were less polluted.

关 键 词: 宣威 质量浓度 肺癌

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 李璩
作者 黄霄丽


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学化学与化工学院


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