机构地区: 中国人民解放军总参谋部
出 处: 《山西电子技术》 2012年第4期85-87,共3页
摘 要: 数学的研究对象及自身高度的抽象性是学习数学的主要瓶颈,正确的数学学习方法有助于学习者有效突破瓶颈。基于此,归纳总结了几种数学学习方法:追本穷源法、举一反三法、分类打包法,并通过几个具体的数学问题和实例来加以阐述,凸显出了数学学习方法在建立数学思想方法中的重要地位。 The mathematical research object and the high abstraction of mathematics is the major difficulty in the process of learning mathematics, the proper learning method of mathematics will help people to overcome the difficulty. This paper concludes three learning methods of mathematics: tracing the source of things, drawing inferences about other cases from one instance, classifying to package, and then explains the three methods through a few specific mathematic questions and examples, which reveals the important position of the learning method of mathematics in building mathematic thinking.