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Fate of Fertilizer Nitrogen Applied to Winter Wheat in North China Plain Based on High Abundance of ^(15)N

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所

出  处: 《中国农业科学》 2012年第15期3093-3099,共7页

摘  要: 【目的】在氮磷钾合理供应前提下,研究华北平原冬小麦肥料氮的去向。【方法】采用微区试验的方法,供给小麦高丰度的15N,在小麦收获时,测定15N的去向。【结果】冬小麦吸收的氮素来自肥料的比例为26.6%—33.6%,对土壤氮的依赖程度在66%以上。肥料氮施入土壤后,小麦当季利用率为22.1%—32.4%,当季肥料氮的土壤残留率约占施氮量的29.6%—56.3%,其中60.3%—76.5%集中在0—40 cm土层,在土壤剖面中的残留率随土层深度增加而迅速降低。【结论】小麦生育期吸收的氮素66%以上来自土壤,氮肥当季平均利用率为28.2%,约40%的肥料残留在土壤中,成为土壤氮库的补充。 [Objective] The purpose of this paper was to estimate the fate of fertilizer N applied to winter wheat under optimum nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P) and potassium(K) rates in north China plain.【Method】 A field micro-plot experiment was adopted and high abundance of15N was applied to wheat in this study.After harvest of wheat,the fate of15N was measured.【Result】 The result showed that about 26.6%-33.6% of the N taken up by winter wheat was derived from the applied fertilizer N,and 66.4%-73.4% of that was derived from the soil.The plant recoveries of N were in the range of 22.11%-32.36%,and soil residual N from applied N fertilizer were ranged in 29.6%-56.3%,of which 60.3%-76.5% centralized in 0-40 cm soil layer,and the amount of fertilizer N residue in soil profile decreased rapidly with the increase of soil depth.【Conclusion】More than 66% of nitrogen absorbed by winter wheat was derived from soil,the nitrogen utilization rate was 28.2% in the first season on average,about 40% of applied fertilizer N were remained in the soil,which might be a necessary supplement for the soil N pool.

关 键 词: 冬小麦 氮肥去向 氮肥利用率

领  域: [农业科学]




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