机构地区: 华南农业大学资源环境学院
出 处: 《中国农业科学》 2012年第15期3068-3074,共7页
摘 要: 【目的】分析评估外来入侵花生黑腐病菌(Cylindrocladium parasiticum)在中国的风险性。【方法】根据国际植物检疫措施标准(ISPM)规定的有害生物风险性分析(PRA)程序,从潜在危害性(P1)、移植与建立种群的可能性(P2)、寄主的经济重要性(P3)、国内现有分布的广泛性(P4)和检疫管理的难易性(P5)共5个一级指标及其14个二级指标对花生黑腐病菌在中国的风险性进行定性和定量分析评估,计算综合风险值(R)。【结果】花生黑腐病菌在中国的综合风险值R为0.8740,属于高度风险性有害生物。【结论】外来入侵花生黑腐病菌是高度危险的检疫性植物病原菌,对中国的花生和大豆等作物的生产以及生物安全等都将构成严重的威胁。 [Objective] The objective of this study is to analyzie and evaluate the risk of the quarantine phytopathogen of peanut Cylindrocladium black rot (Cylindrocladium parasiticum) in China. [ Method ] Based on the process of pest risk analysis (PRA) of international standards for phytosanitary measures (ISPM), the risk of C. parasiticum in China was analyzed and evaluated qualitativety and quantitatively with five first class indices including potential harm (P1), spread and establishment potential (P2), economic importance of the host plants (P3), range of existing distribution in China (P4), and situation of available methods for quarantine and disease management (Ps). Under these five first class indices, fourteen second class indices were constituted. Finaly, the risk of C. parasiticum in China was expressed by synthesized risk value (R). [Result] The synthesized risk value (R) of C. parasiticum was 0.8740 in China, which means high risk. [ Conclusion] C. parasiticum is a high risk alien invasive pathogen which may cause serious threat to crop production including peanut and soybean, as well as the safe of biology in China.