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Pathogen Identification and Fungicide-screening of the Dry Rot on Schefflera actinophylla

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院农学院

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2012年第22期227-230,共4页

摘  要: 为明确大叶伞干腐病的病原菌种类,筛选有效药剂,为病害防治提供理论依据,对该病病原菌进行了鉴定,并进行了杀菌剂毒力测定。在形态学基础上,结合rDNA-ITS序列分析,对大叶伞(Schefflera actinophylla)干腐病病原菌进行鉴定,结果为可可毛色二孢菌(Lasiodiplodia theobromae)。采用菌丝生长速率法,测定了8种杀菌剂对大叶伞干腐病菌的抑制作用,结果表明:50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂抑菌效果最好,EC50为0.02μg/mL,其次为45%咪酰胺水乳剂、43%戊唑醇悬浮剂、10%苯醚甲环唑水分散性粒剂和25%丙环唑乳油,EC50值均小于1μg/mL。 In order to study the pathogen causing dry rot of Schefflera actinophylla and its proper fungicides to instruct production,the pathogen was identified and toxicity of its fungicides was tested.Dry rot of Schefflera actinophylla was identified via morphology and rDNA internal transcribed spacer sequencing.The result showed that the disease was caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae.Toxicity of eight fungicides to L.theobromae was tested by measuring mycelium growth rate.The result showed that carbendazim 50% WP had the best inhibition to the growth of L.theobromae,which EC 50 was 0.02 μg/mL.Prochloraz 45% EW,tebuconazole 43% SC,difenoconazole 10% WG and propiconazole 25% EC also exhibited significant inhibition to the growth of L.theobromae,the EC 50 of 4 fungicides were less than 1 μg/mL.

关 键 词: 大叶伞 可可毛色二孢 病原菌鉴定 毒力测定

领  域: [生物学]




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