机构地区: 中国农业科学院中国水稻研究所
出 处: 《中国科技论坛》 2012年第8期131-138,共8页
摘 要: 基于对中国14省42个水稻科技入户示范县所辖的566位农技人员及其对应指导的4729位农户进行广泛调研的数据,采用因子分析法,以农户为评价主体对农技人员的推广行为和绩效进行综合评价;并采用逐步回归分析方法对影响推广行为和绩效的因素进行实证分析。研究发现:农技员个人特征、管理体制、运行机制中的收入分配、工作安排、考核激励、机构发展等机制对农技员推广行为和推广绩效均有显著影响。 Based on the survey of rice science and technology demonstration farmers in 42 counties 14 provinces of in China, this arti- cle appraises the extension behavior and performance of agricultural extension workers using Factor Analysis Method. Then this article takes empirical analysis on the impact of factors that promote extension behavior and performance using Stepwise Regression Analysis method. The results show that the personal characteristics, management system and operation mechanism ( such as income distribution mechanism, assessment mechanism, working arrangement mechanism and institution development mechanism) have significant effects on the extension behavior and performance of workers.
关 键 词: 基层农技推广 管理体制 运行机制 推广行为 推广绩效
领 域: [经济管理]