机构地区: 复旦大学
出 处: 《复旦教育论坛》 2012年第4期26-30,共5页
摘 要: 研究目的:探索本科课堂中所表现的研究型教学行为。分析不同类型教师和学科在这些行为上的差异。方法:采用课堂观察的方法,抽取学期中间时段的59门课进行隐蔽的课堂实地观察。由两名观察者根据研究制定的课堂观察量表对同一门课同时进行相互独立的观察评分。结果:因子分析显示,本科课堂上实际体现的研究型教学可分别从五个维度体现:讨论和发表意见的氛围、鼓励批判和探索、以问题为中心激发探求欲、结合当下实际应用、介绍研究过程和成果。名师在五个维度上的得分均高出非名师。文科较理科和医科课堂均表现出更明显的发表意见的氛围以及与当下实际应用的结合。然而,对于所有课堂,讨论、学生提问等互动形式发生频率很低,名师与非名师在课堂互动形式上没有显著差异。研究提示:名师课堂更注重唤起学生的探究动机和氛围,却和非名师一样未能在教学中设计以学生为中心的表达和创作活动。研究型教学实施存在学科差异,应设计适合理科和医科的研究型教学方法并发展其教师课堂组织能力。 The present study attempts to discover the dimensions of college research-led teaching. Fifty-nine courses were observed during the mid-term. Two pairs of researchers attended the same course at the same time using a course observation questionnaire consisting of items developed from the pre-observation and literature research to evaluate the teacher's research-led teaching behavior. Factor analysis revealed five main factors: the class atmosphere of discussion and comment, an encouragement for criticism and inquiry, a question-centered inquiry, an emphasis on practical application, the introduction of research process and result. Excellent teachers showed more obvious behavior of research-led teaching at all 5 dimensions than normal teachers. ANOVA test revealed differences between liberal, science and medical courses at two dimensions: the class atmosphere of discussion and comment and an emphasis on practical application. Liberal course has the highest scores at these two dimensions. No significant differences are found between science and medical courses. Course interactions mainly take the form of teacher initiated questions. The frequency of discussion and student initiated questions in course are very low. No significant differences in interaction form are found between normal teachers and excellent teachers.