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Nanjing Censor(Yushi)'s residence building and its multi-central-room style in Ming Dynasty

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院

出  处: 《中国文物科学研究》 2012年第2期54-61,共8页

摘  要: 明代南京都察院御史住宅位于太平门内的三法司官宅区御赐廊街,明初由官方建造管理;约160年后,军民占为己有的现象普遍。对此,嘉靖十三年(1534年)开始进行清查。这一过程及结果被记录在《南京都察院志》和《留台杂记》中。首先,考察了御史住宅小区布局、构成等空间特征;其次,梳理了御史住宅建设管理历程,揭示了住宅所有权在官、民之间的转换关系,并认定御史住宅的官式性质。其后,通过对26座御史住宅的平面复原研究,发现其基本布局模式采用"重堂式",即强调住宅进深方向的厅堂庭院空间之贯通、一般不带厢房的布局方式。最后,结合多座明代住宅遗存的分析,认定重堂式是当时较为普遍使用的一种住宅模式。以上研究对于我们真实认识明代官宅民宅关系、住宅形制类型等具有积极的贡献。 Censor's (Yushi's) residence of Nanjing censorate (Duchayuan) was located in Yucilang street of Sanfasi block in Taiping Gate district and constructed and managed by government in the early Ming Dynasty. After about 160 years, it was generally occupied by both soldiers and civilians. In the 13th year of Jiajing period (1534), the government tried to overhaul the situation. These were recorded in the "Records of Nanjing Censorate (Nanjing Duchayuan Zhi)" and "Miscellanea of Nanjing Censorate (Liutai Za ji)". First, it was found that the building site of Yucilang street was divided along the street in terms of basic units. Second, the construction and management histories of censor' s residence were sorted out. This in turn confirms the official characteristics of censor' s residence. Third, based on the plane restoration of 26 censor' s houses, it is found that their basic layout pattern was a multi-central-room style, that is, the central room and courtyard are linked along the axis of the houses without wing rooms. Finally, by analyzing other re- maining residence of Ming dynasty, it can be confirmed that the multi-central-room style was popular at that time. These can be helpful in the understanding of the layout of residential area, relations between official residence and civilian houses, and residence style in Ming dynasty.

关 键 词: 明代 住宅 平面形制 重堂式

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 蒋祖缘
作者 任广世
作者 白效咏
作者 刘敏捷
作者 张其凡


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系
机构 暨南大学文学院


作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇