机构地区: 广西农业科学院
出 处: 《南方农业学报》 2012年第5期679-682,共4页
摘 要: 【目的】探讨二氧化氯(ClO2)与1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)结合处理对香蕉贮藏品质的影响,为ClO2和1-MCP在香蕉贮运保鲜上的应用提供参考依据。【方法】以"威廉斯"香蕉果实为对象,用200μg/kgClO2溶液浸泡3min后,再经1μL/L1-MCP处理12h,然后分别进行室温贮藏[(25±0.5)℃]和冷藏[(13±0.5)℃],观测贮藏过程中香蕉品质的变化。【结果】无论在室温贮藏还是冷藏条件下,ClO2结合1-MCP处理均可有效减缓香蕉褪青和转黄,降低香蕉硬度下降速率及可滴定酸、可溶性总糖和还原糖的上升速率。【结论】ClO2结合1-MCP处理可以显著延缓香蕉后熟,保持良好的贮运品质,是香蕉贮运过程中预防香蕉转黄,延缓后熟的有效措施。 [Objective]The experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of CIO2 and 1-MCP treatment on post-harvest storage quality of bananas (variety Williams). [Method]The storage quality of bananas stored at (25±0.5)℃ and (13±0.5)℃ was observed after 3 rain treatment with C1O2 (200μg/kg) and 12 h treatment with 1-MCP (1-methyl ring propylene) (1 μL/L). [Result]The results showed that the bananas treated with 1-MCP and C1O2 were significantly different from control. Combined application of C102 and I-MCP effectively slowed down the color changes in banana from green to brown and significantly brought down decrease in hardness of banana and increasing rate of total soluble sugar, reducing sugar and soluble titrated acid. [ Conclusion ]C1O2 and 1-MCP treatments pronouncedly delayed banana afterripening and maintained its Rood Quality during post-harvest storage.