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Studies on Introduction and Sexual Reproduction of Vetiveria zizanioides in Jingzhou

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 长江大学园艺园林学院

出  处: 《长江大学学报(自科版)(中旬)》 2012年第4期9-14,4,共6页

摘  要: 为给香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides L.)生理生态研究和应用提供依据,进行了香根草多个生态型的引种、分蘖繁殖、开花结实习性调查、花粉萌发、实生苗繁殖以及越冬调查等试验,获得了香根草分蘖和有性繁殖的详细资料,探讨了香根草开花和结实的影响因素,分析了结实率低的原因。 To provide the basis for physiological and ecologilal research and application of Vetiveria zizanioides,Vetiveria zizanioides(including 13 ecotypes) was introduced and experiments were carried out to investigate on tillering reproduction,habit of flowering and seed setting,pollen germination, seedling reproduction and overwintering.The detailed data of sexual reproduction and tillering propagation were obtained.The influencing factors of flowering and seed setting of Vetiveria zizanioides were dicussed,and the reasons of low seed seting percentage were analyzed.

关 键 词: 繁殖习性 香根草 引种 开花结实习性 荆州 分蘖繁殖 生理生态 花粉萌发

领  域: [生物学]




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