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Quaternary Glaciation and Glacier Evolution in the Yulong Mount, Yunan

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国科学院兰州冰川冻土研究所

出  处: 《冰川冻土》 2000年第1期53-61,共9页

摘  要: 云南玉龙雪山高峰区有现代冰川19条,面积11.61km2,冰川融水汇入金沙江.在现代冰川外围有丰富的古冰川遗迹,可划分3次更新世冰期,即大理、丽江和云杉坪冰期,相当于欧洲阿尔卑斯的玉木、里斯和民德冰期,其中以丽江冰期冰川规模最大,当时,白水河古冰川长11km,比云杉坪冰期的山麓冰川边缘(3100~3200 m)还低,末端海拔2860m.比末次冰期的白水河冰川长 2.5 km.冰川演化模式与梅里雪山、贡嘎山东坡相同,均属藏东南型,而与青藏高原广大高山区以倒数第三次冰期冰川最大规模有别.主要是它们位于青藏高原东、南边缘,高山的上升幅度、时间和气候条件与青藏高原内部不同所致.近期冰川变化小. 1998年比1982年后退约100~150m,上升高度约 50m。 The Yulong Mount is Located in 27°10', -27°40' N, 100°09'-100°20' E. It is the southmost snow-covered mountain in China and the southmost maritime glacier in the Eurasia. Its main peak (Sien-Tzn-Tou ) is 5596 m a.s.l.. There are 19 glaciers in the mount area with an area of 1 1.61 km^2, whose meltwater flows into the Jingsha River. Outside the glacier there are many relics of ancient glaciers, that can be divided into three Pleistocene glaciations, i.e., Dali, Lijiang and Yushaping ice age, equivalent to the Wurm, Riss and Mindel in the Alps. The Lijiang ice age was the biggest, when the Baishui River Glacier was 11 km long, with terminus at 2 860 m a.s.l., Lower than the margin (3100-3200 m a.s.l.) of the peidont glacier in the Yunshaping ice age and 2.5 km longer than that in the last glacial maximum of Dan ice age. The glacier evolution in the Yulong Mount is the same as in the Main Mount and the east slope of the Gongga Mountains, those all belong to the Southeast Tibet type but different to those in many highmountains in the Qignhai-Tibetan Plateau. In Yulong Mount the uplift age and height as well as climate condition are different from the interior plateau. Resently, the glaciers are changing slightly. They had retreated about 100 ~ 150 m and their termini had rosen about 50 m from 1982 to 1998, while during 1997-1998 the Baishui Glacier was advancing a little.

关 键 词: 玉龙雪山 第四纪 冰期 冰川演化模式

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球] [天文地球] [天文地球] [天文地球]




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