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On the Relationship between Pueraria Lobata and Miao Culture in West Hunan:A Study on its Reference Value in the Contemporary Society

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中央民族大学历史文化学院

出  处: 《原生态民族文化学刊》 2012年第2期11-16,共6页

摘  要: 中国古代文献中,对葛早已有较为完备的记载。而历史时期,葛藤在湘西苗疆苗民传统民族文化中占有非常重要的地位,葛藤的块根富含大量的淀粉,是苗民食物补充的重要来源,从其茎皮中抽取出的葛藤纤维是他们衣物原料的主要材质来源。清代,在开辟湘西苗疆的过程中才逐渐认识到苗民对葛藤的利用,并见诸官私文献记载之中。通过梳理《苗防备览》中对苗民生计方式的描述,发掘葛藤与苗民民族文化之间的关系,并加深对清廷开辟苗疆历史进程,以及苗族民族文化与所处生态背景适应特点的认识,为更好地开发利用葛藤,提供可资借鉴的历史经验。 Pueraria lobata is a kind of perennial herbaceous vines that grows on the slopes or in the woodland of the hilly area. It is known as kudzu and is widely distributed in southwest mountainous areas of China. Pueraria lobata has complete records in Chinese ancient literature. Kudzu played a very important role in the history of western Hunan Miao culture. Kudzu roots are rich in a lot of starch, which is an important source of food supplement for Miao. Kudzu fiber extracted from its stem bark is the main material source of the materials of their clothing. People gradually recognized the use of kudzu for Miao in the Qing Dynasty in the process of opening up the Miao territory, and it could be seen in the official and private document. The paper try to put forward the description of Miao' s live- lihood in the book of Miaofangbeilan and get the relationship between kudzu and Miao culture, and al- so deepen the understanding of the process of opening up Miao territory in the Qing Dynasty. The characteristics of Miao culture adapting to its ecological background is also discussed. Historical expe- rience in utilization of kudzu will be achieved.

关 键 词: 葛藤 苗族文化 生态背景 借鉴价值

领  域: [社会学] [经济管理] [生物学] [生物学]


作者 刘翀
作者 张应强
作者 陈晓毅
作者 张振兴
作者 游建西


机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院人类学系
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院历史人类学研究中心
机构 吉首大学历史与文化学院
机构 深圳大学
机构 香港科技大学


作者 丁培强
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 徐松林
作者 葛永林