机构地区: 中国水利水电科学研究院
出 处: 《水利学报》 2012年第6期740-748,共9页
摘 要: 生态补偿是用水竞争激烈的流域遏制水环境恶化趋势,实现向可持续开发利用转变的重要手段。生态补偿标准的核算是实施生态补偿的关键环节。针对流域水生态补偿实施中的不足,借鉴国内外在理论体系、管理体制、运行机制相关层面的研究成果,构建了完善补偿标准的理论框架。以永定河流域为研究对象,给出了流域水生态补偿标准的实施依据。并根据水量水质不可分割特性,给出了跨区域的水量、水质补偿标准测算方法,探讨了基于污染物处理水平的补偿标准计算过程。最后针对补偿标准测算中出现的问题,给出了完善流域水生生态补偿机制的建议。 Water related eco-compensation is an important approach to prevent water environmental deterio- ration and realize watershed sustainable development. Compensation standard calculation is the key to as- sess environmental compensation feasibility in specific district. In view of the defects during watershed eco-compensation process, this paper provides the compensation standard implementation foundation consider- ing the theoretical system, management system and operation mechanism at present. Taking the Yongding River basin as the study area, the water related eco-compensation standard conceptual framework was estab- lished. According to the indiscerptible attribute of water quantity and quality, watershed compensation stan- dard was illustrated by considering water price and the outflow in the main stream of Yongding River. A set of alternative equations for water quantity compensation under different rainfall probability were devel- oped. Taking into account water quality class llI as the standard of water quality control, the treatment cost for the contaminated water body was estimated.
领 域: [水利工程]