机构地区: 四川农业大学农学院生态农业与区域发展系
出 处: 《城市规划》 2012年第6期67-73,共7页
摘 要: 选择美国东密歇根大学与西密歇根大学的地理系为典型案例,总结了美国大学地理系举办规划专业教育的发展历程、课程设置、特色和优势,进而得出对我国城乡规划教育的几点启示。 As an interdisciplinary subject of natural science and social science, geography contributes to urban and rural planning significantly. In an attempt to learn from the experience of the departments of geography in American universities that offer urban and rural planning education, this paper analyzes their history, course design, features, and advantages based on the cases of the Department of Geography at Eastern Michigan University and the Department of Geography at Western Michigan University in the United States. The study has several implications on China's urban and rural planning education.
领 域: [建筑科学]