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Numerical evaluation on areodynamics of typical hypersonic configurations for hypersonic flight

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院力学研究所高温气体动力学国家重点实验室

出  处: 《空气动力学学报》 2012年第3期365-372,共8页

摘  要: 采用自主开发的数值软件SPACER对典型气动布局在Ma=6.0(Re=1×107)高超声速巡航时的气动力性能进行了数值评估。评估的气动布局包括类乘波体(仿X-51A)、翼身融合体(仿ISR)、传统升力体(仿X-33)和轴对称锥形体(仿Fasthawk导弹)。由于升力体范围较广,还对一种相对扁平的升力体模型进行了数值评估。评估结果表明:在考察条件下,类乘波体具有较大的升阻比和较小的阻力,是很有潜力的高超声速巡航气动布局;翼身融合体和传统升力体需一定的改进和进一步的研究,如扁平升力体的气动性能可得到大幅提升;轴对称锥形体以其总阻力小,也具有一定优势。 The aerodynamics of typical aircraft configurations under Ma= 6.0 (Re=-1 × 10^7) cruise condi- tion was evaluated numerically using in-house software SPACER. The configurations include quasi-waverider (like X-51A), blended-wing-body (ISR), traditional lifting-body (X-33) and axisymmetric cone (Fast- hawk). A flat lifting-body model was also studied in this paper. It is found that, at the current conditions, the quasi-waverider has good lift-to-drag ratio and relatively small drag force, which is the most potential hy- personic configuration among studied; the blended-wing-body and lifting-body require modifications to im- prove the performance, such as to flat the shape of the lifting-body; the axisymmetric cone is also a candidate for hypersonic cruise configuration due to the small drag.

关 键 词: 高超声速 气动布局 数值评估

领  域: [航空宇航科学与技术] [航空宇航科学技术]




作者 张鼎华