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Identification and Distribution of Endophytic Fungi in Some Wild Dendrobia Plants Grown in Dehong,Yunnan

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 云南农业大学植物保护学院农业生物多样性与病虫害控制教育部重点实验室

出  处: 《生物技术进展》 2012年第3期190-194,共5页

摘  要: 采用组织分离法,从采自德宏州的8种野生石斛根、茎、叶中分离得到内生真菌43株,经分子生物学鉴定分别归属于13个属。Colletotrichum为茎和叶的优势种群,占总菌株数的39.5%。Hypocrea、Nectria、Gibberella三个属内生真菌首次从石斛植物体内分离得到。研究发现,不同石斛植物内生真菌的存在情况差别较大,具有一定的宿主差异性;根、茎、叶内生真菌分布存在差异,表明内生真菌定殖具有一定的组织差异性和组织专一性。本研究获得丰富的内生真菌资源,为石斛的人工栽培提供基础的理论依据。 Forty-three strains of endophytic fungi were isolated from the roots,stems and leaves of the 8 different wild Dendrobia plants.After 5.8S rDNA sequence analysis,these strains were clarified to 13 genera including Colletotrichum、Fusarium、Gibberella、Glomerella、Hypocrea、Nectria、Phomopsis、Phoma、Trichoderma and some others.In all the fungi,Colletotrichum were isolated most frequently from stems and leaves and the isolation rate was accounted for 39.5%,while Hypocrea,Nectria and Gibberella strains were firstly isolated from wild Dendrobia plants.It was also demonstrated that the endophytic fungi highly diverse depending on Dendrobia plants.Furthermore,the distribution of endophytic fungi highly varied from roots,stems and leaves.This research has got abundant resources of endophytic fungi.

关 键 词: 石斛 内生真菌 分子鉴定

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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