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Technological mineralogy of fluorite ore and its flotation performance

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中南大学化学化工学院

出  处: 《中国矿业大学学报》 2012年第3期439-445,共7页

摘  要: 为了高效利用浙江遂昌萤石矿资源,基于工艺矿物学对浮选性能研究的重要性,研究了矿石的主要化学成分、矿物组成及嵌布特征,并探讨了矿物的浮选行为.结果表明,遂昌矿区横坑坪矿和坑口矿两种矿石的结构类型基本一致,脉石矿物主要为石英,其次为长石、绢云母、方解石、高岭石等.两种矿石的主要区别在于,横坑坪矿样中方解石含量较高,达5.4%,且嵌布关系较为复杂.方解石与萤石的可浮性相近,直接导致横坑坪矿样的选别难度相对较大.浮选试验结果与矿石工艺矿物学研究结果一致. It is important to study technological mineralogy of fluorite ore for its beneficiation. The mineralogy characteristics of Suichang fluorite ore in Zhejiang were obtained by analyzing the chemical composition, mineral component and embedding feature. The flotation behavior of fluorite ore was also investigated. The results indicate that the structure type of Hengkengping "s fluorite ore is similar to that of Kengkou's fluorite ore, including fluorite, quartz, calcite and feldspar, et al. The content of calcite in the Hengkengping's fluorite ore is 5.4%, which is higher than that in the Kengkou's fluorite ore. According to the characteristic of minerals, flo- tation tests were completed to separate fluorite from two types fluorite ore. The experimental results show that it is difficult to separate fluorite from Hengkengping's fluorite ore because of similar floatability of fluorite and calcite.

关 键 词: 萤石 方解石 工艺矿物学 浮选

领  域: [矿业工程]




作者 范福军