作 者: ;
机构地区: 香港中文大学
出 处: 《逻辑学研究》 2012年第1期50-67,共18页
摘 要: 有论者认为以电脑辅助进行之数学证明其实包含了经验性之前提,因此要接受此类证明,就得修改传统的"数学证明"的概念。本文审视此说法;以讨论Thomas Tymoczko的一篇关于四色定理得哲学意义的论文为发端,进而论及Tyler Burge等人的相关观点,并由此对上述说法提出质疑。 It has been claimed that computer-assisted proof utilizes empirical evidence in a manner unheard of in traditional mathemalics and therefore its cmployment forces us to modify our conception of proof. This paper provides a critical survey of strait arguments for this claim. It starts by revisiting a well known paper by Thomas Tymoczko on the comptuter proof of the Four-Color Theorem. Drawing on some ideas from the works of Tyler Burgc and olhers, il then considers a way to see the philosophical significance of computcr proof that oasis doubts on the claim.