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Evaluation of the controlling methods and strategies for Mikania micrantha H.B.K.

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (郭强); (蒋露); (钟填奎);

机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室

出  处: 《生态学报》 2012年第10期3240-3251,共12页

摘  要: 薇甘菊Mikania micrantha H.B.K.是入侵中国南部地区的一种危害极大的外来入侵种。防治薇甘菊的措施和策略,应根据薇甘菊的物种特性及所能支配的防除资源,综合考虑、统筹安排。薇甘菊能快速生长覆盖其他植物,其残株断枝易成为独立生长的新个体、种子量巨大且极易扩散,喜入侵次生植被。物理清除适用于小面积,对大面积出现的薇甘菊不应采用。化学防除主要用于应急,但未能改变适于薇甘菊生长的生境,薇甘菊仍可能在数年后再次为害。田野菟丝子Cuscuta campestris控制薇甘菊适用于大面积危害区域,当只以控制而不以根除自然群落的薇甘菊为目标时效果很好。群落改造能一劳永逸地解除薇甘菊的危害,但只适用于宜林地,且成本较高。天敌控制和植物化感防治都尚在探索阶段。未来还应发掘有效天敌,研发综合防治措施,揭示宏观分布规律。薇甘菊防治的正确策略是:对于已形成区域性危害的薇甘菊,根除已经不可能,应采取持久战而非速决战,防止薇甘菊入侵新区域是防治的重中之重,必须优先治理轻度入侵地和能向周边区域甚至是遥远区域扩散的传播源,建立防治示范区或样地。 The invasive plant Mikania micrantha H. B. K. , which is native to central and south America, has caused serious damages in southern China, especially in secondary forest. The invasive plant is a fast growing herbaceous vine. Under favorable sunlight and moisture, it can easily climb up, spread on top of other plants, and form a thick cover that intercepts light and adds heavy load to the underneath plants. It possesses strong asexual propagation ability and has many branches that easily produce adventitious roots so that a stem fragment can grow into a new independent individual. Inaddition, it has huge amounts of tiny and easily wind-dispersed seeds as well as a high germination rate. Damage vegetation is the prerequisite of invasion. This work critically evaluated the control methods and strategies that developed and adopted in the past ten years to provide scientific evidences for controlling the invasive plant. of primary have been Several controlling methods have been used in field and each method has its own advantages and limitations. Physical removal through cutting stems and digging roots is suitable for small areas with proper caring but not for large area. Removal should avoid fruiting period or fragment dropping because they may promote unintentional anthropologic dispersal. Chemical herbicides can be used when immediate outcome is needed, especially to interrupt fruiting, to clear the area for planting tree, and to foster young. It should be cautious that spraying herbicides may pose negative impact on environment;furthermore, it does not change followed. Cuscuta campestris , the habitat, and thus, the invasive plant may re-invade after a few years of no proper action a dodder, is a safe controlling agent and can easily parasitize the invasive plant. The application of dodder is suitable to mildly control the invasive plant or at an area where physical removal or chemical control are not appropriate. The proliferation of dodder is always behind that of invasive plant ; manual dispersal of dodder to

关 键 词: 物理清除 除草剂 田野菟丝子 群落改造 示范样地

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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