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Composition characterization of dissolved organic matters in coking wastewater

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所

出  处: 《环境化学》 2012年第5期702-707,共6页

摘  要: 焦化废水是典型的具有复杂有机质的工业废水,其复杂的有机构成制约了水处理的水质达标,且可能对排入水体构成危害.为了探明其溶解性有机物的组成,采用XAD-8大孔树脂将焦化废水中的溶解性有机物分为亲水性组分(HIS)、疏水酸性组分(HOA)、疏水碱性组分(HOB)和疏水中性组分(HON),分析了各组分的溶解性有机物(DOC)、紫外-可见光谱、色度,并采用GC/MS对各组分中有机物进行定性分析.结果表明,焦化废水中的有机物主要为HIS和HOA组分,其DOC含量分别占总DOC的44.3%和32.4%;焦化废水在200—250 nm和300—400 nm范围内有特征吸收峰,且吸收光强度顺序为HIS>HOA>HON>HOB;焦化废水的色度主要由HOA和HON构成,其在525 nm和436 nm处的吸光度分别占焦化废水吸光度的42.9%(HON)、42.1%(HON)和21.4%(HOA)、15.8%(HOA);焦化废水中亲水性物质主要是苯胺、苯酚、喹啉、异喹啉,疏水酸性物质中主要是各种甲基取代的酚类物质,疏水碱性物质主要是各种胺类和含氮杂环化合物,疏水中性物质主要是吲哚及其衍生物. Coking wastewater is the representative wastewater containing various organic pollutants.In order to ascertain the composition,XAD-8 resin was applied to concentrate and isolate the organic compounds in coking wastewater.Dissolved organic matter in coking wastewater was fractionated into four different fractions: hydrophobic acids(HOA),hydrophobic bases(HOB),hydrophobic neutrals(HON) and hydrophilic substances(HIS).Thereafter,the dissolved organic carbon(DOC),ultraviolet-visible(UV) absorption spectroscopy,chroma and the organic component were determined.The DOC values of HIS and HOA showed these two were the main fractions of DOM,comprising 44.3% and 32.4% of the total sample.The characteristic absorption wavelength of coking wastewaater ranged from 200 nm to 250 nm and 300 nm to 400 nm,and the intension order was HISHOAHONHOB.The chroma of coking wastewater was composed of HOA and HON,and their absorbance at 525 nm and 436 nm contributed 42.9%,42.1% and 21.4%,15.8% of the total.The dominant compounds were aniline,phenol,quinoline and isoquinoline for HIS,various alkyl phenols for HOA,aniline bases and polycyclic nitrogen-containing aromatics for HOB and indole with its ramifications for HON.

关 键 词: 焦化废水 溶解性有机物 紫外 可见光谱分析 色度

领  域: [环境科学与工程]




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