机构地区: 广东海洋大学
出 处: 《海洋与湖沼》 2012年第2期237-243,共7页
摘 要: 华贵栉孔扇贝壳色和闭壳肌颜色具有多态性,其中贝壳的桔黄色表型和闭壳肌的黄色表型具有重要的经济价值,是选择育种中的重要目标性状,对这些性状遗传规律的研究可为选择育种提供理论依据。采用自交、正反杂交和卡方检验方法对华贵栉孔扇贝的桔黄色与枣褐色等2个壳色和黄色与白色等2个闭壳肌颜色的遗传规律进行了研究。结果表明,华贵栉孔扇贝贝壳颜色和闭壳肌颜色均属质量性状,受基因控制,可以遗传,不受环境影响;贝壳桔黄色表型对枣褐色表型为显性;闭壳肌白色表型对黄色表型为显性;壳色和闭壳肌颜色为两个互不连锁的独立性状,在后代遗传过程中可以自由组合,独立遗传,不受母性影响;枣褐色贝壳或黄色闭壳肌个体均为隐性纯合体,其后代性状均与亲代相同;由于不能确定桔黄色贝壳或白色闭壳肌个体属于显性纯合还是杂合,显性纯合家系的获得必须通过建立家系并繁育2代才能实现。 The shell color and adductor muscle color of Chlamys nobilis were polymorphic, of which the yellow shell color and adductor muscle color ownimportant economic value due to their being the target traits for breeding. Study on the inheritance of these colors can lay theoretical foundation for the selective breeding of these two traits. Reciprocal crossings and Chi-square test were used to study the inheritance of shell color (orange and brown) and adductor muscle color (yellow and white) for C. nobilis. The results showed that the shell color and adductor muscle color of C. nobilis were qualitative traits which were controlled by genes and heritable independently of environmental effect. Orange was dominant over brown for the shell color and white adductor muscle was also dominant over yellow. The shell color and adductor muscle color were not linked and not affected by maternal effect. All individuals with brown shell or yellow adductor muscle color were recessively homogeneous, the traits of their offspring were all the same as their parents. Because those individuals with orange shell or white adductor muscle color may be dominantly homogeneous or heterogeneous, the attainment of dominant homogeneous family lines should be realized only by selecting those lines built for 2 generations.
领 域: [生物学]