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Design and operation of Taiyuan Iron & Steel' s sulphuric acid plant based on SO_2 from desulphurization and enrichment of sintering off-gas

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国瑞林工程技术有限公司

出  处: 《硫酸工业》 2012年第2期26-30,共5页

摘  要: 太原钢铁(集团)有限公司炼铁厂2台烧结机烟气采用活性炭吸附法脱硫工艺。针对脱硫富集SO2烟气流量小、温度高、SO2浓度高、尘含量高并含有氟、氯、氨、汞等有害杂质的特点,烟气制酸设计采用喷淋塔—一级泡沫柱洗涤器—气体冷却塔—二级泡沫柱洗涤器—2级电除雾器稀酸洗净化、"3+1"ⅢⅠ-ⅣⅡ二转二吸工艺流程。2套制酸装置投产近1年时间,装置运行稳定,各项工艺指标均达到设计值,硫酸产量分别达到26,38 t/d,制酸尾气ρ(SO2)均小于或等于450 mg/m3,工业硫酸品质达到国家优等品标准。 The off-gas from two sintering machines was treated for desulphurization by activated carbon adsorption process in Iron Plant of Taiyuan Iron Steel.For the characteristics of low flow,high temperature,high SO2 and dust contents and existence of ammonia,fluorine,chlorine,mercury and other harmful impurities in desulphurization enriched off-gas,the plant adopted a cleaning section consisting of spray tower,1st stage froth column scrubber,gas cooling tower,2nd stage froth column scrubber and two-stage wet electrostatic precipitatores,and a "3+1" Ⅲ Ⅰ-Ⅳ Ⅱ double absorption process.The two plants have been operating for more than one year and every index reached design value,with tail gas SO2 concentration of both lower than 450 mg/m3,sulphuric acid production of 26 t/d and 38 t/d,respectively,and sulphuric acid quality up to the national premium grade requirement.

关 键 词: 烧结烟气 脱硫 活性炭吸附法 脱硫富集烟气 硫酸生产 设计 运行

领  域: [化学工程]




作者 余琳
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