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Perfectionism and Its Essence

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《社会工作》 2012年第3期88-91,共4页

摘  要: 对完美主义的研究发端于人们对一些心理病理现象的成因所做的观察。完美主义主要被看作是一种消极的人格特质,尽管承认其有积极影响。对完美主义的界定也仍然偏向其对健康的负面作用,有失偏颇,需要进一步加以厘清。关于完美主义的构成也是学界研究的重点,Frost和Hewitt等人分别编制的多维完美主义量表得到广泛认同,国内学者也对其进行了修订。但这些量表测量的是完美主义者具有的特点而不是完美主义本身的结构。目前对完美主义的实证研究多采用相关分析方法,探讨的是完美主义与心理健康之间的关系,却没有触及完美主义的实质。世界的无限性与人的认识的有限性之间的割裂是完美主义产生的根源。 The research of perfectionism originated in people's observation of the causes of some psychological phenomenon.Perfectionism is mainly considered as a negative personality trait,although its positive impact is also admitted.The definition of perfectionism also stresses in its negative effect to the health,which is one-sided and needs to be further clarified.The structure of perfectionism is also the focus of the researches in this field.The Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale designed respectively by Frost and people of such as Hewitt is widely accepted and also revised by the scholars at home.However,what is measured by these scales is the characteristics of the perfectionists but not the structure of perfectionism itself.Most of the present empirical researches about perfectionism have adopted a correlation analysis method,and they have explored the correlation between perfectionism and mental health but not the essence of perfectionism.The contradiction between the limitlessness of the world and the limitation of people's knowledge is the root cause of perfectionism.

关 键 词: 完美 完美主义 心理治疗

领  域: [哲学宗教]


作者 郑会敏
作者 陈鄂
作者 李敏琦
作者 李红林
作者 程雯雯


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 广东农工商职业技术学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 暨南大学


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽