机构地区: 广东省农业科学院
出 处: 《农产品加工(下)》 2012年第6期12-15,共4页
摘 要: 对菜心进行小批量的真空预冷试验,并测定了不同预冷终温和物料质量下菜心的质量损失率、硬度和色差的变化规律。研究发现,预冷终温为10℃,物料质量为1.5 kg时,预冷心部温度高于表面温度,鲜切菜心预冷效果最好,叶片没有失水和组织损伤现象,而且色泽鲜艳,感官品质良好。 In this paper, small batches of Chinese flowering cabbages are tested through the vacuum pre-cooling under different pre-cooling end-temperatures and cabbage weights. The variation of water loss, hardness and color in the Chinese flowering cabbages are investigated. The results show that the pre-cooling with end-temperature of 10 ℃ and cabbage weight of 1.5 kg can best maintain the quality of the cabbage.
领 域: [农业科学]