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A New Method for Day-ahead Unit Commitment Based on Energy-saving Generation Dispatching

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 湖南大学

出  处: 《中国电机工程学报》 2012年第16期70-76,共7页

摘  要: 节能发电调度是对电网优化调度机制的重大修改。机组组合是电网调度的重要环节,随着节能发电调度的逐步推广,需要结合中国国情研究新形势下机组组合模型与优化方法。提出一种求解电力系统机组组合的新方法,将机组组合问题分解为末状态和状态改变时间优化2个过程。基于节能发电调度通过多贪婪因子完善机组排序指标,利用贪婪算法确定机组组合初始解,进而结合深度优先算法遍历机组组合方案以保证问题优化的深度。10机24时段系统算例表明,该方法可有效处理机组组合各类约束条件及保证节能调度效果。 Energy-saving generation dispatching will change the existing dispatching mechanism in China. Unit commitment (UC) is the most important component of power system optimal dispatching; the new situation needs new method to solve UC optimization. The paper proposed a decomposed optimization model and divided the UC into two optimization problems. The paper modified the taxis indexes with multi-objective decision, determined the initial solution with greedy algorithm and improved the optimization level by depth-first algorithm and then optimized the state changing time of the units. The paper proved the method by 10-unit system; the results show that the method can solve UC optimization efficiently and satisfy the constraint conditions at the same time.

关 键 词: 节能发电调度 低碳电力 机组组合 贪婪算法 深度优先搜索

领  域: [电气工程]


作者 易仕敏
作者 陈荣辉
作者 严潭


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东省计算机集成制造重点实验室


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