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On the Basic Concept of Smarter Tourism and Its Theoretical System

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京联合大学旅游学院

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2012年第5期66-73,共8页

摘  要: 随着旅游信息化的升级和智慧城市建设的兴起,智慧旅游成为我国各地旅游信息化建设的重点和理论研究的前沿问题。但由于尚处于初级阶段,智慧旅游的基本概念及相关理论体系尚未建立或未达成一致,不能有效指导实践。这将会造成智慧旅游信息系统或工程建设的混乱、信息孤岛以及因工程建设失误而造成的巨大资源浪费。基于此,文章在回溯智慧旅游的起源及发展条件和现有概念评述的基础上,提出智慧旅游的基本概念。在此概念的理念下,提出了智慧旅游的能力(capabilities)、智慧旅游的属性(attributes)以及智慧旅游的应用(applications)三个层面构成的CAA框架体系。该框架重点阐述了智慧旅游区别于传统旅游信息系统的四大核心技术,以及智慧旅游针对旅游者、居民、政府、企业四大应用对象的价值供给。文章主要贡献在于:(1)在历史回溯和评述基础上,厘清了智慧旅游的概念;(2)提出了CAA三层次的智慧旅游构架体系;(3)提出了智慧旅游的四大核心技术是物联网、移动通信、云计算以及人工智能技术;(4)阐述了基于多利益主体的智慧旅游价值供给。 With the upgrading of tourism informatization and the emergence of building smarter cities, smarter tourism has become the key point of the construction of tourism informatization and front-line problems of theoretical studies in all parts of China. As smarter tourism is still at its infant stage, we have not established or reached consensus about its basic concept and relevant theoretical system, unable to effectively guide the practice. This will lead to the confusion of tourism information system or project construction, isolated island of information as well as huge waste of resources resulting from the errors of project construction. Based on the restrospect of the origin and development conditions of smarter tourism and the comment of available concept, we propose the basic concept of smarter tourism. Based on the definition, a CAA framework of smarter tourism is proposed, which is composed of three levels: its capabilities, attributes and applications. This framework emphatically elaborates the four core technologies of smarter tourism different from traditional tourism information system and its value supply to the four application objects: tourists, residents governments and enterprises. The main contributions of the paper are: 1. the basic concept of smarter tourism is clarified based on the historical retrospect and comment; 2. a CAA three leveled construction framework of smarter tourism is proposed; 3. four core information technologies of smarter tourism are introduced: the Internet of things, mobile communication, cloud computing and artificial intelligent technology; 4. value supply of smarter tourism based on multiple stakeholders is elaborated.

关 键 词: 智慧旅游 框架体系 核心技术 价值供给

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 张书海
作者 罗春科
作者 陈文华
作者 禹贡
作者 陈水文


机构 广东机电职业技术学院
机构 广州大学旅游学院
机构 广东农工商职业技术学院外语系
机构 广东工贸职业技术学院应用外语系
机构 广东轻工职业技术学院旅游系


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟