机构地区: 华南农业大学经济管理学院
出 处: 《广东金融学院学报》 2012年第2期97-106,共10页
摘 要: 随着中国经济增长方式发生转变以及城镇化的推进,如何为农村劳动力的转移提供支持已成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。首先运用效用函数理论和图解分析推导出农民的劳动参与约束以及激励相容约束,在此基础上分析农村劳动力转移中的金融支持政策,提出应在导致农村劳动力转移中金融支持力度偏弱的经济金融政策;提升农民自身素质,夯实农村劳动力转移基础;制定政策扶持农村劳动力转移及返乡创业;推进金融创新,提供适合的产品和服务等方面为农民提供更有力的金融支持,尽量满足农村劳动力向非农产业提供劳动供给的参与约束条件和激励约束条件,加快农村劳动力的转移。 With the conversion of the mode of economic growth of China and the ad- vancement of urbanization, the problem of how to support the transferring of rural surplus la- borers is now in eagerness for the solution. With the application of utility function theory and graphical analysis,this paper deduced labor participation constraint and incentive compati- bility constraint for the farmers. Therefore ,financial support should be provided for the wea- ker economic and financial policies in the process of the transferring of rural laborers, such as enhancing the farmers' own quality, which is basic for the transferring of rural laborers, helping them to get employed at other places or self-employed at hometown, furthering the financial innovation with providing more appropriate financial productions and services to e- liminate the participation and inspiration constraints and fasten the steps when the farmers are to work for the non -agricultural industries.
领 域: [经济管理]