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Preparation of Silicon/Iron Red Pigment with Silica Sol

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 景德镇陶瓷学院材料科学与工程学院

出  处: 《陶瓷学报》 2012年第1期59-61,共3页

摘  要: 以硅溶胶和氯化铁为原料,氨水为沉淀剂制备硅铁红色料,采用正交分析方法探讨了工艺因素对色料合成的影响。结果表明,Si/Fe比是影响合成硅铁红色料的主要因素。X衍射分析表明,合成的色料主要是SiO2玻璃相对着色剂Fe2O3进行包裹。 Silicon/iron red pigment was prepared with FeCl3·6H2O and silica sol as materials,and ammonia hydroxide as the precipitator.Orthogonal analysis was used to study the effects of different processing parameters on the synthesis of silicon/iron red pigment.Results showed that the Si/Fe ratio is the main factor that affected the preparation of the pigment.XRD analysis of the synthesized sample showed that the coloring agent Fe2O3 was mainly encapsuled with SiO2 glass phase in the silicon/iron red pigment.

关 键 词: 硅铁红色料 沉淀法 玻璃相

领  域: [化学工程] [化学工程]




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